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Credit Card Access Stopped Friday...

Have you ever felt the hair stand up on the back of your neck? I don't mean just a little...I am talking about when something is happening that you were told was going to happen, and you believed it, but you didn't want to believe it, but there it was happening inspite of your belief, or lack of it. I don't mean fear type of hair standing up on the back of your neck. I mean, hair standing up on the back of your neck because you are out of control. I mean out of control, and there is no ever gaining control again. Like out of control going around a mountain curve, missing the curve, and knowing there is no turning back because its out of your control. Have you ever had that happen before? I had that kind of thing happen last Friday...And to be honest, I am a little shaken by it yet.


I was sitting in my office, working on an investigative report for this weeks filing. I was patiently waiting for last minute details to come in from one of our Insider Resources here at The Time LIne News. I was at a stand still, so to be productive, I started reviewing other data that I had not been able to take a look at. In my email file, I came across a video report from one of the more successful Advanced Traders subscribed with the E-TCB, Inc. wealthbuilding advisory, and has also become an independant investigator and Reliable Insider Resource of the Fed's for us here at The Time Line News.


He is so close to the heartbeat of activity, that The Time Line News has come to rely on his trusted reliability for much of news we provide you in this blog. He has also started his own subscriber based independant wealthbuilding advisory. He is quite financially successful, and we are blessed to have both a personal and business relationship with him. And as I was reviewing his video report, I admit I was intrigued. It was valuable breaking news, relative to much of what we have been reporting about the end of the U.S. dollar as a currency within the next few weeks.


But the video was so very thorough, and long, I was considering how to condense the information in order to report it to you, the subscriber. Yet, I was struggling with trying to find a way to do that, inasmuch the "entire video report" was a masterpiece of tying together what is coming, and going to happen between now and the currency collapse in a few weeks.


The way he produced this video, the first 5 or 10 minutes was to introduce the listener what is going to be like when the currency collapses, and you the listener are still unaware while shopping and trying to use your credit/debit card. The video reveals what it feels like to be shopping, trying to pay at the cash register, and while one card after another will not work, the line behind you is getting impatient. So, you give up, leaving the groceries behind, and leave to go to an ATM machine, and after several attempts, and being rejected, give up to go home. Before getting home, you have passed several filling stations, noticing growing crowds of customers that apparently are displaying anger and frustration. You get home, discussing what has happened with the wife, who calms the conversation with suggestions of just contacting the bank in the morning, as it is likely a glitch that may even be straightened out by then. Its not, and after several frustrating attempts to get a call answered, a lady answers, but its a recording, that produces no satisfaction.


The video continues from there, and its so enlightening, that I could not find a sensible way to just convey it to you the reader without leaving something important out. Not coming with a conclusive answer, I noticed I was running out of time before I needed to leave for an engagement I had committed to.


I decided to quit struggling with what to do, and I left the office to run this errand. Actually, I was going to Arkansas for a 30 minute drive to a ranch to buy a cow to process for beef in our family freezer. I do some of my best thinking and problem solving when driving, and I could not get this video report, nor it's crucial message off my mind. On my way back home, it was now nearly evening, and I remembered I was to stop at the grocery store to pick up chickens that were on sale.


So, I pulled in the grocery, and the first thing I noticed was how odd it was that the parking lot was nearly empty, considering it was weekend and late afternoon, as this grocery store parking lot is usually full everyday. As I went in, I was easily able to grab a cart and stroll through the store without any crowd. When I got to the freezer section, I was surprised to see that the chickens on sale were piled up, with plenty on hand. They were about half off on sale, so I fully expected it being the weekend, late Friday afternoon, on sale, that they would be picked over with few left...but no, full freezer full. So, I loaded the cart like I had found a hidden treasure, excited that I was going to be able to stock up my freezer so economically.


When I went to the front of the store to get in line at the cashier for payment, I was confronted with yet another oddity. Though there were not hardly any customers in the store, the ones that were in the store was in one long line at only one cashier. There were ten cashiers stations, and all ten cashiers were there, but only one had their lane open, and the others were looking bewildered, as were us costumers, as the store offers far more service normally, especially on the weekend.


As I stood in line, I noticed the patrons in front of me becoming more frustrated, as I was too. It seemed forever for only one customer at a time to get groceries transacted. It appeared a couple of managers was overseeing the cashier, causing one to wonder what was going on. Finally when I got to the cashier, he apologized for the lengthy wait, and he explained that that ALL OF THE CREDIT CARD PROCESSING MACHINES WERE NOT WORKING. THAT NO TRANSACTIONS COULD BE MADE WITH THEM. AND THAT IT WAS NOT JUST THEM, OR JUST THEIR GROCERY STORE CHAIN. IT WAS ALL OVER THE COUNTY, MAYBE ALL OVER THE STATE...HE WAS NOT SURE.....


WOW...the hair stood up on my neck. Goosebumps all over my body. It was as though the video report I had just listened to just a few hours before, had just literally come to life. My mind was racing. I am probably the most "prepared" person I know for a catastrophy. Yet, in that line, with this revelation, my mind was working overtime, and I was feeling awkwardly unprepared suddenly. I began to think of all kinds of things that I needed to do, and in that line, realized I was too late if credit/debit cards were now unavailable.


The manager of the store had located one of those old zapper machines, and even had found the old credit card processing tickets, and they manually were processing our transactions. But, even then, they were not calling in for approval. I remember thinking this manager may be fired in the morning. He was just letting us sign the credit card tickets, and walk. I could have gone in and gotten another cart full of chicken, and he would never had known whether I had enougth credit to pay for the food.


I raced home to turn on the news, but there was not a peep about this financial interuption, as I expected from the mainstream media. At Sabbath services, I shared the experience with other brethren, and heard back similar stories. And those that had not been out to shop, suddenly were trying to mask the fear in themselves, and I knowing how they felt...unprepared for this type of event.


Finally, now four days later, I found a small news blurb about this event that revealed that at least 17,000 grocery stores had been hit by this event. The news story tried to downplay the event, and never mentions other businesses and their experiences. I have a suspicious mind, and am certain this is a "practice event before the REAL event, just to test what will happen, and what the behavior of the public will be."


After mulling this whole experience over for a few days, I have decided to reveal the video report to you the reader "in it's entirety", HERE uncensored. Keep in mind, the producer is going to make an offer at the end of this video for advisory service. I am not endorsing it, nor recommending it. He is my student, my subscriber, and I am not saying the student can't teach the teacher, but I think you will receive all of the knowledge you will need from us here at The Time Line News FREE. But, I do want you to experience in video what will soon be a reality...very soon from now.


Listen to the video. It will open your eyes...I hope. If you are smart, you better get busy getting prepared. If you want to preserve your wealth, get your cash out of your 401k, IRA, CD, your bank, your safety deposit bank, and get it into something that will preserve your wealth. And tell your friends, family, and anyone else you care about that will listen. And do not wait...DO IT NOW, while you can. One second after the dollar ends in just a few weeks, so will your credit/debit cards. What are you going to do then?


Buy silver...NOW. We are connected, and have a great offer while silver supplies last. 100 Mint certified Silver Eagle dollars for $2800. Order by sending us an email at  Get yours while you can. It will help when your hair stands up on the back of your neck...its your insurance of surviving the dollar collapse.








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