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High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

Dead Food, Or Live Food…?

                         A “Time Line News” Investigative Report

Part #1

Part 1...HFCS Revealed
Part 2...Production Process
Part 3...Health Issues
Part 4...HFCS Addiction
Part 5...Alternatives
Part 6...Conclusion
Part 7...References

Dear Readers,

There is a favorite piece of music produced for the Christian community called, “Too Much To Gain, To Lose”, that I often think of when I am investigating health issues here in the 21st century. The fact is, we are forced to live in an age where health is deteriorating at a rate that translates to a feeling of hopelessness for many, and helplessness for most. We are “Losing Too Much, Without Any Gain” of any merit!

We are surrounded by a population that is afflicted with heart disease, cancer, diabetes, thyroid and pancreatic failure, neurotic disease, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, eye disease…and an endless list of all types of health failures. This is an era in which man is far more successful in technological and science advancements than ever in our history. Why then, are we not advancing in better health?


There would be hundreds of answers, but it really comes down to ONE answer that truly reveals what our problem is. That answer is…DEAD FOOD…! What does that mean?

This report is going to make you think, and come to some serious conclusions about your health today. And sometimes, answers we seek are not in the present, but in the past. Let me bring the past to the present for just a moment here.

I know I have some pretty young readers that won’t know what I an about to reveal, but I want you to check with some of us older people to verify…those who have lived in the last 40 years, 50 years, or beyond, and hear some shocking revelations.

Over 40 years ago, we did not have all these health issues. Cancer was not even a word back then, or if it was, we never heard of it. Diabetes was so rarely heard of, that I do not think I ever heard of anyone having it till they were really aged.

Alzheimer’s was not even in the dictionary. My grandparents lived into their 90’s years of age without any memory problems to speak of, and they and their friends did not have crippling arthritis.

Heart disease was unheard of, though when people reached elderly age, they did have heart failure, as getting older is expected. But thyroid, pancreas, liver, or any other organ failure was usually limited to alcoholics, or abuse of some other over-consumption.

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