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What Trouble China, The Dollar Demise, The Market Decline, And Tim Cook At Apple Have In Common...?

Don't get too excited and freak out about the crashing markets..not just yet. Yes, the market manipulators can just as easily place the DOW at 20,000 as they can down to 5,'s just a click of a mouse for them (You didn't think the markets were based on supply, demand, buyers and sellers, did you?)!


But the demise of the dollar being orchestrated by China AND the Fed still has a long way to go to play out between not and the end of September (See the story on China destroying the dollare at this link). The idea, our Insider Resources confirm, is to DESTROY the current system of currencies worldwide, especially the U.S. dollar, yet not get the Banksters rich by having their shorts paying off, and in the process have all come bowing and begging for the new gold back worldwide reserve currency. This is an END game, and this ising to effect each and every person. And to get there, the market will have huge moves up and down, destroying wealth along the way, so expect some very, very strange and wild moves in all markets for the next few weeks. Be advised, once again, get your cash OUT of the IRA'S, 401K'S, banks, and get it into silver and gold coins NOW, while you can. One second after the dollar ends, it will be too late. For gold and silver, go to for reliable service and lowest prices.


Silver derivatives will be the LAST to be set free because it is the MOST manipulated and will be the most destructive to those holding them. After over a century of being rigged the price of silver is going to blow the roof off all expectations when the manipulation ends.


Expect all kinds of corruption to surface and be ignored in these next few months. Like this morning, when the market was dropping like a rock. When the DOW was down over a 1,000 points, and the same time the Apple stock had dropped below $92, and losing an amazing $75 billion in market cap in the process. They must have been freaking out over there, because CEO Tim Cook stepped on himself today in an action that is an absolute criminal violation, and in so doing was able to cause a MIRACULOUS stock price reversal. Zerohedge caught it right away, and you can read their story HERE.


Jim Cramer obviously pulled a rabbit out of a hat, or in this case a previously undisclosed email out of his inbox."


"While its delightful that Tim Cook has this subjective take of AAPL's Chinese prospects, Insider Resources have a different question: where is the public filing that accompanies this letter which constitutes nothing short of a private business update with an outside, and unregulated by Apple, market cheerleader?"


"Because as the AAPL reaction to Tim's letter, which was clearly in Cramer's private possession for at least 1 millisecond before it was made public (and thus we don't know who else may have had access to it before its public dissemination), just how is this not a Regulation Fair Disclosure violation?"


Hmm. Our Insider Resources believe that somebody's in some hot water...if we have any regulators who aren't busy at the Ashley Madison website communicating with their affairs on computers!


More chaos is on the way, and along with it you are going to see corruption that the average guy like you and I would be behind bars for, you will see an amazing sweeping under the rug by authorities for some of these guys like Tim Cook.


Gold and Silver UPDATE: The US Mint is barely giving out ANY Silver Eagles anymore and any authorized distributor with a big order is being told NO. And some of the favorites, like junk silver, is only available in small amounts about one day a week. The real shortage of silver and gold will be when the gold and silver derivatives scandal comes to light. I am telling you once again...find silver, and get as much as you can.


Otherwise, just sit back and wait. And wait. And wait for the games to end, because you will soon see that the end is not going to be good...not for anybody.





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