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The Time Line News...A Special Financial Alert Editorial…!

Obama’s Plan To Take Your IRA’s, 401’s, Pensions, And Savings Is Happening…!

Please reprint this news article warning for everyone you love and care for.

Note From The Editor:


“We are now facing the greatest economic crisis the industrial world has ever encountered. This financial crisis is likely to be far greater than any drought, famine, disease, or war yet ever experienced. I have given this matter a great deal of thought, and labored mindfully for weeks now before making such an assertion. A cynical planned theft of way over $17 trillion of your IRA’s, 401’s, Pensions, And Savings is proceeding NOW, wrecking millions of Americans lives inevitably. Worse, many of you will approve it, while it does nothing to stop a full scale crisis…America’s part in the international debt bubble coming to a scorching finale. I can’t think of any event in history that ever had the ramifications of this current worldwide debt crisis, threatening to engulf the world into terrifying and massively destructive economic depression.


Wars and plagues have resulted in huge losses of human life, but the potential scale of human misery brought about by the collapse of this international debt bubble will be beyond compare. I’m not only frightened for my family, but for you the reader, and everyone else as well. Once governments lose the control of their debt situation our world is going to turn upside down.“


Many of you will consider me an alarmist, but I assure you, I am, and have always been, the eternal optimist. And what you will read in the following pages ARE the most optimistic, but truthful and honest reporting of what assuredly is already happening as this alert is being produced, and yet it is a resounding sobering report of what WILL be affecting all of us and our future.   However, because my job is to prepare myself, my family, my readers and my friends, for whatever the financial and economic future might hold in store, I have labored to check, and double check, all of my “Insider Resources” to bring this report of the inevitable future to your attention. Alas, what I see in the future, in that vein, is truly frightening.“


We’re often advised, “prepare for the worst and hope for the best.“ Unfortunately, there’s not much BEST that is to be seen in this world wide debt fiasco, meaning that we must definitely prepare for the worst.” It’s definitely a time to draw closer to family, friends, and our Lord.   


















Are You Prepared For Riots, And Yes,

The "Next" Economic Crisis?


I don't have to tell you what you already know. Even once-quiet Britain is no longer immune to the rioting and civil disorder that is inevitable when things start to go wrong.


The same scenario here in the U.S., where unemployment numbers are constantly climbing, along with growing frustration of our own government, all seems so much more likely, doesn't it? Will it be an immediate reality if the government instituted a plan to take over $17 trillion of your IRA’s, 401’s, Pensions, And Savings? Then read on.


Because I'm afraid it’s not only just a matter of is proceeding right now…


This following report editorial from “The Time Line News“, released January 27, 2016, is an alert, and may be outdated by the time you receive it. But the “cause and effects” of this report will be accountable on into the future, so read and reread it carefully, and make your choices accordingly, and consider yourself forewarned of what is coming. We are giving you permission to reprint this article in its full and complete version and send copies to everyone that you love or care for…it’s critical…get this news to all that will listen. Soon, it will be too late for most.


Prepare To Get To Know Your REAL Government…!


How well do you think you know your government…the REAL government here in the USA?  Everything, for you, literally depends on it how well you know.


My mother used to say, “What we don’t know can’t hurt us.” Well, poor Mother! I have learned quite the opposite is true. It is what we don’t know and are not aware of that has ruined our country, decimated our savings, undermined morality, killed our sons and daughters in foreign wars and maimed millions more, hollowed out U.S. industry, mongrelized our races and morality, destroyed the rule of law, imposed fraudulent taxation, dehumanized the U.S. Congress into animalistic rubber-stamp lackeys who show contempt for the American people, their culture, their national symbols, their financial ruin and their faith.


Does the Congress, the President, the Supreme Court and the thousands of appointed bureaucrats have a loyalty or reverence for a deity? Yes, call it Skull and Bones, or other secret orders of ancient handshakes and symbols of the all-seeing eye of  “providence” and “The New Order of the Ages.”


And now we face disparity as a result of  “what we didn’t know, that is NOW indeed hurting us.”


Know Your Government:


Everything literally depends on it. The depreciating dollar bills in your pocket and in your savings accounts. Your privacy and investments, your bankrupt Social Security.


What you do is under surveillance; there is a high probability that you or some of your family will go to jail. The U.S. has 800 people in jail per 100,000 population, mostly for victimless crimes. We have more people in jail than the rest of the world. The U.S. has 5 percent of the population of the earth and 25 percent of the total incarcerated.


To go on, the U.S. population is subjected to warrant-less raids. The Congress passed and the President signed the National Defense Authorization Act that seeks to indefinitely detain or kill ANY American without cause.


Over fifty million Americans are on food stamps or otherwise suffer hunger and inferior nutrition. The general health of Americans is in great immune jeopardy. In 1940 there were four shots required before the age of two. In 1980 there were eight shots required before the age of two. By 2012 there are 49 doses of 14 vaccines required by the age of six. All this is according to Jeff Berwick in the Dollar Vigilante of May 29th (


That election night when Obama was firmly in another four years, thick with Democratic euphoria and Republican despair, America’s future was set in stone. In at least one crucial way, the 2012 presidential election sets itself apart as one of the most significant in recent history.


Not since Reagan’s "Morning in America" election has a presidential vote prophesied such a clear path for our nation. And if you love the America we currently enjoy, the sea-to-shining-sea-amber-waves-of-grain America, the pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps and anyone-can-become-anything-they-want-to-be-in-America…well then, stop reading now. I’ve not come with that kind of good news.


In his victory speech, Mr. Obama spoke loudly of unifying the nation, exclaiming that, “We are an American family, and we rise or fall together as one nation and one people." He sounded all so heartfelt, if Pollyannaish is sentiment.


Sadly, Mr. President, you are mistaken. The numbers bear out the painful reality. America is not a family that rises and falls together. America is a deeply…no, fundamentally a divided nation with chasms so wide as to likely never again be sewn together outside of war. As we are now seeing the emerging birth of the United States of Europe (Must read: United States & Great Britain In Prophecy), we are at the same moment in the early throes of the dismantling of the United States of America. 


I said it before, 2012 would likely see “the most polarizing election in modern history” and that “the classes are on a collision course. That’s a direct result of social-and economic-engineering policies, blundered forth from Washington, D.C., for decades.” Look back at the inside numbers from those elections votes. You could see the collision coming.


In that election, Romney picked up 72% of the white vote. Obama picked up 93% and 71% of the black and Hispanic vote, respectively. Income under $60,000...60% of those voters chose Obama. Urban America, where poverty is rising the fastest, voted 69% favoring Obama.


Those numbers back then was as a preview, saying so much about the divide that now defines America, not just along racial lines, but along the lines that really matter: economic. Americans who, statistically, cling to the lowest rungs of the economy are the ones who are voting to keep in office their source of government largesse.


They were voting for whichever goose will continue laying those golden eggs. And with median income falling in America (29% lower today then in 1999), with educational achievement horrendous in America (too many sad statistics to quote) and with welfare participation rising (now well over50% of Americans receive some kind of government check), all future elections will be won by whichever candidate provides the greatest access to the public trough.


I had recently been reminded of the observation French political thinker Alexis de Tocqueville made of American democracy in the mid-19th century. Namely that it cannot exist as a permanent form of government.


“It can only exist,” de Tocqueville figured out, “until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.


The Frenchman was also quite prescient in predicting that, “The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.”


We have reached that point.


Congress cares not, really, about its wasteful spending, much of it on handouts. It spends our money with abandon, and we do nothing about it. We have, as a nation, in excess of $100 trillion in debt on and off the government’s balance sheet. If we actually cared about that, we would vote the bums out of office and demand fiscal responsibility of our leadership, given that our country is headed inevitably toward financial perdition. But we don’t vote that way, and my bet is that we never will again, for the very reasons de Tocqueville predicted.


I am not quite sure who was convinced de Tocqueville was correct in his expectation that our democracy would collapse into a dictatorship, but it’s obviously no longer question, we are collapsing now at a break neck speed. Increasingly we’re a country divided along lines of makers and takers, and our political system increasingly plays to that trend, to the ultimate detriment of our nation.


We are polarized as a people, entirely opposite of Mr. Obama’s American family reference, and we are polarized as a political body. So dictatorship is probably likely, and so is the dismantling of American states also likely, in fact certain.


Tragically, its not only certain, but its already in political and financial motion to reality. Red and blue will not just define how people vote in the future, it will define how new countries begin to organize themselves in the Great Breakup of America, as the completion of dismantling what’s left of  democracy and the destruction of capitalism.


Oh, I know many of you think ho-hum, but you had better pay attention! I’ve found that most people in today’s world are numb to reality for many reasons. Here are some:


  • There’s too much noise coming at us, and constant trash input from every direction. All it amounts to is just noise, but over time it dumbs us down and kills inquiry.

  • Most people simply do not have inquiring minds so they seek no inquiry.

  • The “Chicken Little” syndrome. What’s this? Most of you know, but for those who don’t, it is the age old story of Chicken Little who cried “The sky is falling” so much that everybody stopped listening. Because the sky never fell.

  • Then there is government propaganda that conditions the public mind in the direction that the elite want us to think


The majority of the reliable “Insider Resources” around the world agree on a number of things that respectfully prove that our democracy, as we remembered it, is now something else that is an impersonation of real democracy. Here is some of their case:


Democracy is the most used and overused word in the world. It was born in America and every politician and bureaucrat uses the word democracy. This word implies human liberty in the public mind. Truth is the word democracy is used as a cover or disguise for all manner of chicanery of governments and politicians. Lots of the most brilliant people use the word democracy over and over, not realizing how this control word misleads.


People who use the word democracy in its various perverted forms are closet socialists. Some politicians are aware of the deceptive use of the word democracy, but not all. Most people just mimic the word because they hear it so much.


Franklin Roosevelt once remarked that, “Things don’t just happen, they are planned.”


You have watched the news since the lsate lection. Remember right after the elections, in Michigan where there was all of thoes violent demonstrations over the entitlements of worker's demands with their unions. Right or wrong, its just a tid-bit of what is about to happen on a massive scale, as entitlements become the issue, and the demand for more without effort. When  entitlements come to a complete end, and they eventually always do, what will it be like?


Well here is a hint. The most recent example of what happens when the entitlements can no longer be paid by  the government. Here is a video of what to really expect, as Greece gives us that advanced preview:



Watch that video again...get a real good picture in your mind of it, because America will soon be far, far worse than that. And, its not like we don't have well in advanced warnings of  what is coming, like the past, and now future eliminations of all the pensions and savings. Watch this video clip with 60 minutes: LINK


War on America’s Middle Class: Does it bother to anybody that there is all-out war on the American Middle Class? The Obama & Company propaganda frames it, “making the rich pay their share.”


Who are the rich now? Got some bad news…if you and your wife earn $150,000 together annually, or have savings or investments, you’re considered “rich,” so look out!


When will the end come to America? It will come officially when the U.S. government can no longer sell its bonds. Oh…but wait a minute. That has already happened. It’s the Fed now “monetizing” 63 percent of all U.S. bonds, purchasing with counterfeit money.


What a sham ponzi to pretend to buy U.S. bonds with printing press money!


The U.S. government has spent itself and the people into bankruptcy. Now the government is eyeing OUR  $17 trillion in  savings, IRA’s, 401’s, CD’s,  and Pension retirement funds. The governments plan is to force the retirement funds to be invested in long term government bonds, you know…that crap that the Chinese don’t even want.


This will be the same as confiscation. As paper money collapses, the quest for revenue by government as well as by the people intensifies. Even with printing presses wide open, government is in deficit and looking for money everywhere it can find it. The world is crumbling and the economy is being strangled by government.


Career politicians now have the identical interests of the elite. Our wealth is seen as their solution. It is easy for politicians to manipulate the food stamp crowd against the “rich.” And, if you haven’t got the word yet, you are considered “the rich”, because you have savings, IRA’s, 401’s, CD’s,  and Pension retirement funds, and they have food stamps, so Obama is going to have his majority support that he needs in order to come and confiscate your wealth, just like they did for my grandparents back in history…looks like history is repeating itself!


Since politicians have a parasite mentality, they are naturally attracted to creating class warfare. They manipulate the people against each other causing political and social unrest as excuses for more suppression of the people.


Under a national craze and imagined threat of terrorists, we’ve given up our liberties to the state, which is Nazism under a modern front. And, there’s no situation in history when government reversed course prior to economic and social collapse. Instead, government uses its military, attacking its own people to retain power. Why the sudden need to authorize the U.S. military to operate domestically to “weed out terrorists?”


From now forward there will be more of a direct attack on the wealth of U.S. citizens. Without an increase in production, vast new taxes will destroy the economy while the cost of government is rising exponentially. Unfunded entitlements is a worldwide economic time bomb. In fact, the whole worldwide population has lost its work ethic in favor of a growing sense of entitlement. The food stamp base is swelling like a plague.


The Screws Tighten: According to James Sinclair, “Congress has included in the Highway Funding Bill S.1813, a provision that allows the IRS to order the State Department to revoke a US citizen’s passport if it is believed, not proven, that the taxpayer owes more than $50,000 in back taxes.”


Note that this action started with Congress and how they sneak potentially unfavorable public information in as legislative riders. It should be patently clear that “Congress” does not represent the American people. Congress is a rubber stamp for the system.


All Government: The U.S. will soon be a government country. Fifty five percent of the workforce is now government workers! By the end of 2016 it will be well over 565%, and most will be in some type of domestic enforcement or military.


The Department of Homeland Security has recently announced that it has shifted its focus from terrorists to “domestic extremists.”


Translation: This means all critics of the government are on the “domestic extremists” radar. When George Bush II announced the new world war on the terrorists, few of us discerned that this meant war on U.S. citizens. There should be no longer any doubt.


The END is near! the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) (which Obama has signed): The 2012 NDAA, approved by the Senate 97 to 7, sets the stage for martial law in these United States.


This puts U.S. citizens subject to military arrest under the pretense of being terrorists. Anyone can be arrested and detained indefinitely without trial. They can now make people disappear, never charge them and hold them in prisons anywhere in the world.


Due process of law is now gone in the U.S. by legislation of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act . Why would 97 senators vote for this death blow to American liberty? Are they afraid of the American people for their treason in recent times? Do they think that the military can and will protect them from prosecution for high crimes? Of course they will protect them, even unwillingly.


You can see previews of live examples with the drama going on before your very eyes now. Do you think that in the current conflict in Syria, that their military is willingly does the evil they do, or is it because they do it to make sure THEIR family eats and has some financial security. You can bet they are protecting the government hand that feeds them, and will until they feel that goose is gone.


And this legislation is strangely timed with the U.S. and world economic meltdowns going on in nearly every country on every continent. Is this the backdrop for a coming U.S. wealth tax and the confiscation of retirement accounts?


Do you think that the Obama administration’s attack throughout his term and reelection on the rich population of this country was focused on the millionaires and above? Think again! As I said, if you and your wife’s combined income is over $150,000 annual, you are considered rich, and are targeted for redistribution of wealth.


Here is a fact that all of our combined “Insider Resources” agree upon, “This 2012 National Defense Authorization Act has absolutely nothing to do with “defense.”


Everybody knows that the U.S. has, by far, the largest and most sophisticated military in history. Then this must be a stealth attack on the American people directly. Ideally this would be just the thing that is needed to arouse the American people to true patriotism.


Many are saying the politicians who voted for NDAA are traitors…Really? Really? Do you think? It is very obvious, even to the untrained observer.


“Congress has essentially authorized the indefinite imprisonment of American citizens, without charge,” quoting Senator Dianne Feinstein (D. Calif). She said, “We are not a nation that locks up its citizens without charges.” (End of quote).


Without charges? We are now so legislated at the city, state, and federal level, that any American can easily be criminalized with charges that would initiate abuse of this law.




America is supposedly the land of the free, right? A country founded on religious freedom and the 1st Amendment. Its earliest immigrants came here to escape religious persecution. Unfortunately, freedom of religion no longer applies. It’s being turned on its head and into freedom from religion. Like in California, where holding “a regular gathering of more than 3 people” is a crime in San Juan Capistrano, especially if that regular meeting involves studying the Bible.


Chuck and Stephanie Fromm were fined $300 and ordered to stop holding a regular Bible study at their home. The meeting violates a city ordinance as a “church” and not as a private gathering, they were told. They also face additional charges of $500 per meeting for any further “religious gatherings” in their home, according to the Pacific Justice Institute, which is representing the couple in a legal fight to get the city’s decision overturned.


Neighbors say the gatherings at the Fromm’s residence haven’t caused problems, but city officials apparently disagree. They have determined Bible studies differ from other regular gatherings, like say Tupperware® or NFL Monday Night Football parties. The irony that San Juan Capistrano was founded as a Catholic mission is lost on the elected elites in that city. So they crack down, even though none of the participants are bothering anyone or are out proselytizing others in the neighborhood. They aren’t “forcing their religion” on anyone not wanting to be there, which seems to be a great fear of the anti-Christian despots who bring this subject up in all religious discussions.


It was just over a year ago that San Diego County was after a Christian couple for holding a regular Bible study. A media firestorm led to a reversal of San Diego’s religious persecution. Christianity is becoming less of an accepted religion around the world. The United States is no exception, and the Bill of Rights is succumbing to tyranny at all levels of government.


The following is quoted from Franklin Sanders, “I don’t like doing it, but I’m going to tell you how your government will use this National Defense Authorization Act, assuming it becomes law, which now appears virtually certain. (It became law on Dec. 31, 2011.)


“By secret administrative decision, a decision the victim will have no knowledge of and thus no opportunity or right to challenge, certain targeted persons will be declared ‘terrorists.’ Then they will be rounded up and imprisoned forever. Probably even their location will be a well-hidden bureaucratic secret.


This will be the death of perhaps the most important right guaranteed by Magna Carta, habeas corpus, or the right of personal liberty forbidding government to arrest and hold any person without showing cause. It will also seal the coffin on due process of law, or any process of law.


“And although the sponsors swear to you that this will never be used against ordinary people, only against terrorists, Obama’s signature wasn't even dry before the wiretaps and arrests began. It may be Tea Party nuts or Occupy crazies, but they will be administratively defined as ‘terrorists’ and they will disappear. Vanish. And they won’t come back.


Lets read what was said once again: “Congress is essentially authorizing the indefinite imprisonment of American citizens, without charge,” said Senator Dianne Feinstein (D. Calif). She actually said, “We are not a nation that locks up its citizens without charge.” (I scream everytime I read it).


The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act authorized defense spending on military personnel, weapons and war. Senator Carl Levin (D. Mich) is called the Senator who crafted this legislation. It is suspected he had some establishment ghost writers.


Our time is short if not already gone. The elite system has debauched our currency, likely to collapse in a few months (Read our story: "China Is Going To Destroy The Dollar In Less Than 60-Days Away...!"), collapsing our economy into a debt depression and then military occupation, as the process of criminalizing Americans is now in forward mode. 


This is America now in 2015. Americans are already afraid to talk to their neighbors. This is America in 2015. Do you believe that America is more civilized and uses due process of law any more than Nazi Germany? Just because we don’t want to believe it and can’t see it doesn’t mean it is not true. Hitler Would Be Proud!


Lebensraum is now! The Fourth Reich is here. Lebensraum is German for “living room,”  the cry of Nazism as it marched across Europe. German aggression and expansion was needed for more living room (Lebensraum), so went Nazi propaganda. The Euro fiat currency is here. Fiscal and physical union is in vogue and in blueprint.


Clearly modern day Germany is at the helm. What’s missing? Only the jackboots, the swastika and the torchlight parades. Only the symbols of the Third Reich are silent. All else is reality. Whatever we call the European Union (EU), it is the fulfillment of Hitler’s dream. If he were here, he would declare, “this is my finest hour.” And without firing a shot…!


On Nov. 24, 2014, Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti said, “Everything is possible within a sound fiscal union."


From an article by Rod Smith and Bill Ryder of Riverfront Investment Group, Nov. 29, 2011 stating: "Germany Steering Europe Towards Fiscal Union":  The outlines of yet another Eurozone fiscal policy were disclosed to the media over the weekend. We think it is clear that Germany is using the current crisis environment to force budget deficit targets on Eurozone members. Unlike the 3% of GDP targets agreed to at the founding of the Eurozone, these new targets are expected to be enforceable (somehow) by a centralized European authority. It also seems that Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel has persuaded France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy to go along. This would involve a significant loss of sovereignty and means the weaker countries must choose between Eurozone membership and the ability to determine their own budgets. If accepted by the major members of the Euro zone, the pact also means further budget austerity.Market reaction has been initially positive since there is hope that, if this deal is enacted, the European Central Bank (ECB) will be more willing to buy and hold sovereign debt. We see this as the only legitimate bullish scenario, and believe that without a major change in both rhetoric and action from the ECB, this plan will result in economic weakness." (End quote).


The people who planned National Socialism (Nazism), Hitler, et. al, are still the elite in charge of the world today. They control America! Well, they call America a democracy, but savvy people know that America has evolved into fascism, that is, nazism with a pretty face. It is not polite talk to speak of the EU as Euro-socialism or, God forbid, a neo-nazism with Germany running the show. Nazi propaganda said, “Next time the world.” Can we not see how National Socialism (Nazism) evolved through chaos to the New Order? If it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, it must be a duck.


The elite rulers of the world have a weakness. They use the same plans over and over. They only change names and propaganda. The people can’t seem to follow the underlying threads because like children, they get foxed by different names and camouflages. So now even the whole world has been hood winked into supporting National Socialism under the name European Union (EU).


Do you think that Herr Hitler would love it???


Actually, I read a book in the mid 80’s that sketched out this era, where Germany becomes the super power that will rule over us. Herbert W. Armstrong, the respected author and Pastor General for years of the Worldwide Church of God wrote the book “United States and Britain In History”. That book had been published many years before I read it, but it is astonishingly accurate from biblical and world history, as it very well prophetically reveals how the outcome would be a future where Germany would rise to power over us and the world.  I recommend reading this amazing, and revealing description of where the U.S. fits into history, and how it effects you today.


Anthony Wile said on The Daily Bell (a free and valuable site) in his You Tube Video of Nov. 5, 2011 that the, “EU Treaty of Debt (ESM), is apparently a totalitarian pact for a new European empire to be implemented within one to two years.” The Daily Bell, how great thou art! But this EU action is not new. It’s just a continuation of Herr Hitler.


How Did We Get To This Position? Gradualism: Gradualism tricks the mind. Gradualism removes the shock potential from events no matter how serious the end consequences. Gradualism matters how serious the end consequences result. If you saw a dead body on the street, you would be shocked and horrified. If you saw two more dead bodies the next day, you would still be shocked, but somewhat less so. Then, if you began to see new bodies every day, you would eventually pay no attention at all. Gradualism neutralizes the mind and numbs the senses to reality.


The United States economy is in gradual collapse and has been now for several decades, along with Europe and most of the world. In the U.S., it is common knowledge that bankruptcies are widespread and occurring daily. Over 46 million people are now on food stamps. No telling how many really are, as government statistics are totally unreliable. We are having a debt collapse that will continue until the slate is wiped clean and a new system is put in place. Hopefully it will be gold based.


How long will this debt collapse continue until finished? No one knows, but it would already have happened if the U.S. didn’t have the exclusive ability to print worthless dollars and force them on the American people and the rest of the world. No wonder most of the world hates us. Nobody else can do this. Even so, inflation (debasement) of the money eventually becomes deflation. With the printing presses wide open, there becomes a serious shortage of cash, like right now. There are many variables that can determine how long a debt-based paper currency can stay in a state of collapse until the end. Zimbabwe was printing trillion dollar notes right up to their entire collapse.


Wouldn’t A Republican Administration Fix Things:


It will not make any difference which nominee is elected president. What is about to happen to the U.S. has been in the works since the first entitlement was written decades ago, when the phony Federal Reserve began the corrupt skimming of our wealth, and the currency was removed from the gold standard. Each administration, no matter the party affiliation,  has its fingerprints on this abuse of our government, and the results of years of deception for their own personal political gains.


We have reached the climax tipping point of what was always known, and even planned to happen. A social system of government fully controlling everything, every aspect of our lives, and capitalism destroyed. All any political party could do or have done, if anything, is slow its process down, or be a different dictator in place as things come to a finale.


Obama secured his second term by buying it with the future wealth of your and my grandchildren, and dividing our nation into the battle of “them that have vs. them that have not”. Consider this…in all his years as president, he never made any REAL attempt to fix the economy, or create REAL employment…or keep his lying campaign promise of bringing our country together…why?


A healthy economy would never have HIS followers voting for him and support him to usher in socialism. But to keep unemployment high, economy down, blame the former administration and the Republican controlled House, and the people would not only have to support it, but a fully convinced majority would want to support it because the majority have become happily dependant on the government. And by accusing the rich of being the greedy class that should share with the rest of the nation, he got support from those whom turned on an “over-rich-to-greedy” Republican Party, and they voted accordingly.


Here is a fraction of how he did it. In less than four years, he had over 47% of the population on food stamps, set a major record for extended unemployment benefits, has over 55% of the population working for the government (ridiculously questionable jobs), and many more government programs that the people, his voters, support. Those people would not vote for anyone that promised to cut unemployment, food stamps, and entitlements. They were bought and paid for, and they paid off at his reelection, as planned, and have been tricked into supporting everyone of his social agendas since.


A few months before the reelection, Obama had written more executive orders (hundreds) than all of the past presidents combine total since Washington. That’s why Obama does not negotiate with Congress. He is already functioning as a dictator, pressing his social agenda as he pleases.


Historically a President would never conduct himself this way because Congress would have impeached him for this lawlessness and trampling on our constitution…why aren’t they? Both sides of the aisle, Democrat and Republican have known the end of this democracy is near, and are now positioning themselves for resulting power plays. Oh, yeah…there’s lots of rhetoric in the public and media about how they are squabbling for this or that, but its just a show for you, me, and the public to keep us distracted.


As an example, the past, and soon to come up again, fiscal cliff is an orchestrated publicized distraction from what is really going on…look over here so you don’t see what they are doing over here. Face it, the fight over whether to have the Bush tax cuts renewed or not is was distraction. If they actually did not renew the proposed tax cuts they want, the money raised would not even pay for 1½ days of interest on our daily interest on the deficit. Its all noise so you, the public, do not pickup on what they are doing.


In reality the National Debt is a farce and unworthy of conversation. It will not be paid off! It was never intended to be paid off! This is the shabby secret of the welfare state and the central bank (Federal Reserve).


And I promise you, I have questioned the scenario that my Insider Resources are explaining, because I see the most horrific financial upset is about to be produced. Its why we are being distracted with all kinds of political sideshows. They do not want you to see what is about to happen. Hold on to your seats ladies and gentlemen, the engines are being fired up, and the race to seize your hard earned wealth is about to take place. What, you say?


Despite stonewalling by past Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, and current Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen and their cronies in the moneyed institutions of privilege, the recent partial Fed audit and dribbled-out documents sought by news organizations under the Freedom of Information Act are revealing an astounding level of corruption in the institution. There is a revolving door between the Fed boards and the “too-big-to-fail” financial institutions like Citibank, Bank of America, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, etc. This, of course, we knew. What we didn’t know, but suspected, was the speed at which the door revolved.


At the time we were being warned by President George W. Bush and former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson (formerly of Goldman Sachs) that something had to be done to save the large financial institutions that were teetering on the brink of bankruptcy because of their own debauchery, there were 18 Federal Reserve Board members who were previously high-level executives of the “too-big-to fails” that were in line to receive the bailouts, according to a GAO report. And 76 percent of Fed board members also own or owned stock in those same institutions.


After spending time on the Fed board and determining whether those financial institutions lived or died and acquiring insider information available only to Fed board members, those members then return to the banks as executives who set the future policy for those banks. According to Senator Bernie Sanders(I-Vt.), the top six financial entities have assets the equivalent of 65 percent of the United States gross domestic product. Those entities spend billions of dollars to lobby Congress and finance Congressional campaigns and buy Presidents (they own both Barack Obama and Capital Hill). While laws in Europe and Australia prevent their central bank board members from similar conflicts of interest, there are no such laws regulating Federal Reserve board members. The Federal Reserve is a criminal enterprise that is looting the savings and investments of Americans for the benefit of a privileged elite class. Few people yet understand this.


Have you ever seen “old people” hold and fondle their paper money? They count it, hide it under the mattress and bury it for safe keeping. But, I bet some of you have grandparents, like mine, that came out of the depression. I can remember the day I opened a bank checking account, they were angry…with concern, and swore I would lose all my wealth if I trusted a bank or their dollar. I remember them always taking their income and converting it to silver dollars and coins, and storing it in all kinds of creative ways on their property…Why? Because during that era, as absurd as they thought it was, the government seized all their savings and even seized and sold property, in the effort to keep the government operating, leaving them and millions of Americans destitute…and they swore it would happen to me, in my lifetime. I thought it was absurd, but here we are, full circle again.


I remember my grandmother’s example of the power of inflation? She said that you could bury your paper money 40 miles deep in a sealed concrete vault and it still could be inflated or devalued to nothing because its still controlled by the government. There is no way to preserve your paper money. It is up to the money creators to not over-print it, and our creator (Federal Reserve) is printing it as fast as the printers will run.


Marc Faber, editor of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report: “Said the chances of another global recession are “100%.”  Europe is already in recession. Germany is still growing very, very slightly, but is likely to go into recession soon. The U.S. economy has decelerated, and I don’t see much growth in the next six to 12 months. Printing money won’t turn the economy around, and I think that if you look at the injection of liquidity and the intervention by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury with fiscal measures, it has already impoverished the U.S. economy.


Some ask me, "why do you buy silver and gold? My reply is, “Because I know that government will print money until it becomes worthless.” We are in the last days of world socialism and government has no options except printing money until it’s worthless.


The government and the politicians are at financial war with the American people. Few people understand this. They are destined for very hard times with impoverishment. What’s happening now? U.S. bonds and Treasury Bills (as well as the rest of the world) is history’s greatest Ponzi and scam. The U.S. dollar is anything but a “safe haven.”


How do we get so confused? They go through the motions to make it look like they’re running a democracy where one vote/one person matters. But on some level, we know that’s not true anymore. America’s political class has become America’s political cliques. They exist for the enrichment of their members, rarely the betterment of the country. If they really cared about the U.S. of A., we wouldn’t be a nation weakened by a debt approaching $340,000 per taxpayer. We wouldn’t be a nation where governmental policies discourage personal savings, yet encourage destructive consumption.


Neither would we be a nation where a sense of entitlement permeates, while personal responsibility goes missing. And we wouldn’t be a nation where politicians encourage entitlement through reckless and costly social-engineering programs that garnish the wealth of doers and transfer it to sluggards. The depreciating dollar bills in your pocket and in your savings accounts, your privacy and investments, your Social Security is bankrupt.


Like a socialized system, what you do is under surveillance, and as the effort to criminalize everyone as in a socialized country, there is a high probability that you or some of your family will go to jail for things that we would never thing possible. The U.S. has 800 people in jail per 100,000 population, mostly for victimless crimes. We have more people in jail than the rest of the world. The U.S. has over 5 percent of the population of the earth and over 25 percent of that total incarcerated. The Department of Homeland Security has recently announced that it has shifted its focus from terrorists to “domestic extremists.


Translation: This means all critics of the government are on the “domestic extremists” radar. When George Bush II announced the new world war on the terrorists, few of us discerned that this meant war on U.S. citizens. There should be no longer any doubt. To go on, the U.S. population is subjected to warrantless raids. The congress passed and President signed that National Defense Authorization Act that seeks to indefinitely detain or kill any American without cause. Again, thats spells the END is near! The 2012 NDAA, approved by the Senate 97 to 7, sets the stage for martial law in these United States.


Again, this puts U.S. citizens subject to military arrest under the pretense of being terrorists. Anyone can be arrested and detained indefinitely without trial. They can now make people disappear, never charge them, and hold them in prisons anywhere in the world.


Meanwhile, every inch of moral fiber is being shredded from the American way of life. Even the phony jobs the government is creating is designed to make you and me a partner in the crime. In Houston, Texas,  jobs by the government are being offered to train "to be instructors" to go through the school system to train 14 year old teenage girls how to negotiate the use of condoms. Not only is this phony job created for no real moral purpose, but the government is going further in debt to pay the salaries for this. In addition, the program has been criminalized, that if parents refuse to allow the program to be taught to the 14 year old girls, they will be breaking the Federal law, and potentially be criminals.


Already, as in social systems, bounties and rewards are be offered to turn in people for the slightest infraction. And as all governing entities are passing more and more laws everyday, it will be quite impossible to even exist but what some law is going to be broken, and someone will be there to turn you in for the cash. People hardly even want to talk to their neighbor, as it gets more and more of a big brother policing system.Well over fifty million Americans are on food stamps or otherwise suffer hunger and inferior nutrition. The general health of Americans is in great immune jeopardy.


In 1940 there were four shots required before the age of two. In 1980 there were eight shots required before the age of two. By 2012 there are 49 doses of 14 vaccines required by the age of six. There is an information blackout on the high medical risks of these shots. Doctors are brainwashed by the medical system. Pharmaceutical producers and companies have been granted immunity from liability by our government.Guessing we have seen the worst? No, we have not seen the worst yet…!


Here is the scenario that the “Inside Resources” see happening next, and it nearly made my heart stop, and is very, very sad to see happening. What could that be, you say? They believe that the elections that we last had, could likely be the last ones we will every have. What? Are up crazy? Come on, what about the candidates running now? We are Americans. We would never let that happen? These are the same reactions I had when Insider Resources said to me those last elections would likely be our last elections, because I know that would really mean we are no longer a democracy.  But not only do the “Insider Resources” believe this, they believe the American population at large will embrace the idea…How?


We know how Obama bought the election by getting the economy is such trouble that the majority of the U.S. population became dependant on the government in one way or the other (in just his first 4 years), electing Obama to secure their little dependency or entitlement. What do you think he can do with his last 4 years? He will push the economy into a second deeper recession or economic disaster. There are signs of that already…don’t be fooled by all the noise. He needs that recession or emergency economic disaster to develop more dependency on the government.


Maybe 70% on food stamps, 75% of the population working for the government (mostly military positions as we become more of a police state government), more unemployment benefits, more welfare, more federal entitlements. Even the new student loan program, offering students to not pay but a small fraction of their income on the loans, and forgive the balances of the loans after 20 years…what student isn’t going to love this guy. He won’t have a good job, but he is not worried about his student loans.


And when things are as bad as it can get, he is going to be campaigning for “President for life” (he has already been hinting of it testing reactions), and he could likely get it, because the flock will not want to risk an election that might put a threat of a Republican, that will take away their sweet deal. This is not a fantasy, the majority “Insider Resources” claim its inedible. That’s right, in America…a dictatorship very possibly in the makings before our very eyes, and the “Insider Resources” are unanimous about this likelihood.


But long before this, he is going to have those supporters lining up behind him with what he is about to do you. He has  gotten more and more dependency, and more and more of the population loving him, and he is now going to pull off the biggest heist in history, and you are his supporter, if you support this socialized government, then you will love him for it, as the end is near.


The next big attack is coming on your retirement savings. Government will FORCE pensions to buy and/or transfer int the Obama creation of MYIRA (notice made to be like IRA...My IRA, to make it feel personally owned when having a MYIRA), his pet promised answer of a retirement guaranteed program subsidized with WORTHLESS government bonds in exchange for present assets. Someone asked, how can they do this? I replied, “Are you kidding?” The government and its politicians on both sides of the aisle, Republicans and Democrats, are talking openly about taking U.S. citizens’ savings to pay down the $17 trillion deficit. What a black hole!! Because they will not pay down the debt. They need the funds to continue to fund all of the subsidy and social giveaway programs that now cost billions every day. Now that the Chinese know how worthless treasury bills are and are not buying them, politicians are ALL behind the MYIRA program to gain access to needed funds for subsidizing the social structure of our failing economic system.


The New York Post of June 3, 2015: “Feds eye retirement-fund tax to cut $17 trillion-plus deficit.” Politicians are eyeing the $18 trillion in 401(k) accounts and other tax breaks used by the middle class including cutting the mortgage tax deduction.


So, I am going to print this in bold red, so that you can clearly find this and reread it over and over again, in hopes to get your attention. Because this is going to wreck some financial assets, and destroy the middle class (they call you the rich) and all your savings, pensions, and investments in the process: It’s already in play…Obama has written dozens of executive orders to prepare for this finale. Like the one at the first of the year…you will see the noose getting tighter with new restrictions, limiting you to no more that 5% withdrawal in any month from Savings, IRA’s, 401k’s, CD’s, and Pensions.Why? I know why…I saw this similar implication in the Carter years. It’s to avoid a run on funds. Why? So, when you find out what he is going to do next, you can’t get to your funds out to stop it.  What’s going to happen next.


Executive orders will require the movement of these investments from wherever they are invested now (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.), and force them to be invested in worthless government bonds and treasury bills. And once this is accomplished, the value will be driven to zero value, and the Feds continue their liquidation of the dollar.


The “Insider Resources” are forewarning us to run, don’t walk, and get our money out of those Savings, IRA’s, 401k’s, CD’s, and Pensions will we can. And I am told to get it done before the first of the year, and if they start to see a run on cash outs, they may lock things up even sooner.


We have little, if any time…and this ALERT is designed to ring the warning bell, and to get your attention.What to do: Cash out your Savings, IRA’s, 401K’s, CD’s, Pensions, and any government controlled financial instrument…take the tax penalty, and buy hard assets while you can. I cannot say it loud enough…it’s critical for preserving your wealth.


Stockpile food, medicine, hygiene products, toiletries, energy supplies, fuel, all of which will experience shortages. You should stockpile enough for one year for each member of that family. Invest in tax free annuities in Switzerland, that can be debit or credited to or from in any currency, with an issued debit card. Contact us at Buy, and store silver and/or gold coins. They are getting harder and harder to find. We have a direct source with a U.S. Mint. Contact us at , and be careful, there is a lot of scams and fraud surfacing in the area. It is advised, to preserve your wealth, put 10% of your wealth in gold or silver, and when the 90% goes to -0-, the 10% will become 100% in value.









Here is the picture: Physical or real assets are fast replacing depreciating and risky paper financial assets. Finally your 10 percent investment in gold will be worth more than your 90 percent investment in financial paper assets. So you will be able to preserve your assets from depreciating paper money. What about those who have no gold and silver, only paper assets? They will some day have a “religious experience.” They will have to start all over!


Will it happen? Can you afford to wait and see? Knowledgeable and wealthy people are accumulating gold and silver and have been since 2001 and will continue to do so. Gold and silver are cheap compared to what they will be just a few months from now.


A U.S. crackdown on Americans with foreign assets is driving the wealthy into the anonymity, untraceability and liquidity of gold bars. “It’s become an enormous business in Thailand, where you can buy a miniature bar (more like a flake) containing less than half an ounce of gold. “In Europe refiners are working three shifts a day, seven days a week, coping with central bank demand as well as private sector financial institutions for 400 kg bars. ”Take Possession: Take possession of your gold and silver coins! Trust in government, bureaucrats, politicians, bankers, “safety deposit boxes,” etc., etc., are things of the past. Regardless of what the crowd does, survival requires and demands that we become very independent and very private.


Do not trust anybody with your gold and silver coins. This is your survival, your very existence at a time when the system and the rule of law is imploding. The term “segregated accounts” can be gross deception as was proved by the collapse of MF Global. People like Jon Corzine are big-name crooks who can steal billions and not go to jail.


Americans have never seen times like we live in now. I am afraid that we have become numb to government and political crime. The U.S. Government in a covert and symbiotic relation ship with huge banks like JPMorgan Chase are rigging the gold and silver market to suppress the price so that their paper money system can survive a while longer. Nobody in government or congress will dare speak up for the American people, who are being financially raped and impoverished. Your assets and dollar savings are being ravished 24 hours a day through all manner of chicanery. The people sleep! Folks, it’s gone! It’s all over! It’s time and past time to wake up!


Watch your coin dealer. Do not trust any dealer with the storage of your coins, and be very cautious about advancing large sums up front for large purchases.We are getting feedback and alarming reports on coin dealers. It is best to deal with small coin sales people who keep no paper records and who are not intimidated by government requirements for records. Above all, avoid any dealer who wants to report 1099s on your purchases to the government. This is the time to buy small amounts of coins from dealers and, of course, take possession immediately. Avoid paper trails as much as possible. Events are moving very fast. Is your coin dealer customer friendly and timely with your order? Does your coin dealer give you quick and straight answers? I repeat, these are the times to be ultra cautious.


What Can You Do Now as an American Citizen? Its time for each of us to take inventory of our physical, financial, and spiritual health, and get prepared for what is certain reality.






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