Special Interest Groups Have Too Much Power...?
Who has more power than Congress, more money than DonaldTrump, and makes decisions about our country without any democratic vote, absolutely no approval of the masses, and is strictly for their own interest? Its the self serving Special Interest Groups (SIG), who parley as Pac's, Super Pac's, and overall bullying or arm twisting (blackmail) of elected leaders at Congress, Senate, and yes, even the White House. "The Time Line News" exposes what our most trusted reliable Insider Resources have been knowing for decades, and are now bringing to the attention of our readers.
Donald Trump has stirred up a lot of folks in politics, and he certainly has the SIG's burning the midnight oil to try to get a handle on him. Their problem? He can't be bought. And so far, he can't be bullyed or bribed. How do we know.
Well, we are not going to reveal all of our cards just yet, but we have been tracking just a few of their emails, and you can see for the first time how powerful they are, and how much they are willing to do to get their interest taken care of.
Following are a series of revealing email ravings and rantings and appealings for donations. Mind you, this is going to look a lot like the compeling behavior expressed by some loose teleevangelist. But no, this is SIG at work. Hold your stomach, because its likely going to make you ill to see what is running loose in our county.
Mind you, this is only one of thousands of SIGs, but this is one of the biggest (worst) offenders. So that you can tell when one example changes to the next, we will color each example a different color. Here we go:
1st Example: This is them freaking out about Chuck Schumer going against Obama about the Iran deal. You can tell by the email, they are going to raise money to bully him, probably bribe him, and you can bet if he now waffles, they successfully got to him. SIG's name: MoveOn
Aug 7
Senator Chuck Schumer is on the wrong side of history. Let's make sure he doesn't take any Democratic colleagues with him.
Take the pledge: Commit to withholding contributions from individual Democrats—and from any party committee supporting them—if they succeed in sabotaging President Obama's diplomatic agreement with Iran.
Dear MoveOn member,
*** We could be starting down the path to a new war in the Middle East—and New York Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer is to blame. This isn't hyperbole. It's a message to all Democrats in Congress who would dare sabotage diplomacy. Please read on. ***
According to breaking news reports, Sen. Schumer has declared his public opposition to the Iran deal negotiated by the United States and five other world powers—a solid and verifiable diplomatic agreement that is the only way other than war to cut off Iran's pathway to a nuclear weapon.1
Republicans—like those in last night's ten-ring circus of a debate—have made defeating the Obama administration's Iran deal their top priority. But they can only prevail if Democrats join them. And make no mistake, the alternative to the Iran deal is war.
It's outrageous that Sen. Schumer—who's likely to be the next leader of the Senate Democrats—would make this dangerous move. Any Democrat considering joining Sen. Schumer must also be held accountable and must know that he or she too will pay a steep political price for attempting to sabotage the Iran deal.
That's why MoveOn members are pushing forward with an unprecedented donor strike—to get individual donors to pledge to withhold a total of $10 million in donations from any Democrat who joins Sen. Schumer in opposing the historic Iran deal and succeeds in sabotaging diplomacy, as well as from any party committee that supports them.
Can you sign our pledge right now—and agree to withhold your contributions from Democrats who undermine diplomacy and the party committees that support them?
Click here to join MoveOn members in pledging to withhold contributions from Democrats who undermine the president's diplomacy with Iran—and any party committee that supports them. (And when you sign, tell us how much you could give from now through Election Day 2016.)
If Sen. Schumer won't give the Obama administration's diplomacy a chance to work, then he's choosing to side with some of the same Republican war hawks who led us into the Iraq War. And he's breaking with the president to side with reckless members of Congress like Senator Tom Cotton, who's attempted to thwart diplomatic negotiations at every turn, and who believes that bombing Iran is our best option.2
Any Democrat who dares to join Sen. Schumer must see immediately that MoveOn members will fight, not just with our calls to Congress, our petitions, and our rallies—but with our checkbooks and our credit cards.
Can you pledge to withhold your contributions from pro-war Democrats who undermine President's Obama historic deal—as part of our public and sustained rebuke of Sen. Schumer's actions?
Yes, I'll sign the pledge and commit to withholding my contributions, so Democrats know that putting America on a path to war is completely unacceptable.
Remember, Sen. Schumer has been wrong before. He voted to give President George W. Bush the authority to start the Iraq War.3
That tragic mistake alone should have been enough for the senator. When America went to war in Iraq, it cost us more than $2 trillion.4 Thousands of Americans died and tens of thousands were wounded.5 And at least half a million Iraqis were killed.6
Does Sen. Schumer really want to do that to our nation again—when there is a sound and viable alternative that's supported by renowned national security experts?7
Ready to fight back? Then click here and sign the pledge, and join us.
Thanks for all you do.
2nd Example: In this example, only a few days later, they are bragging about how their blackmailing of the politicians are working. Hold your stomach now...
Aug 12
Senator Chuck Schumer, would-be Democratic Leader and the only Democratic senator to publicly oppose the Iran deal, is feeling the heat.
Dear MoveOn member,
Our pressure is working. In a backlash that has sent shock waves through Washington, D.C., more than 20,000 of us have pledged to withhold more than $11 million from Democrats who would lead us towards war with Iran.
Senator Chuck Schumer—would-be Democratic Leader in the Senate, and the only Democratic senator to publicly oppose the Iran deal so far—is feeling the heat. Politico reports that "with liberal groups furious over his opposition to the Iran nuclear deal, Sen. Chuck Schumer has been quietly reaching out to dozens of his colleagues to explain his decision" and assure them he won't lobby them to join his side.1
And in recognition that Schumer is against the ropes politically, a group backed by hawkish billionaires—and headed by none other than the pro-war former senator Joe Lieberman—has bought a video billboard in Times Square to support him.
Every undecided Democrat, from Senator Cory Booker to Representative Jerry Nadler, is watching what happens to Schumer. They're trying to figure out whether there's more political risk in supporting the deal—or opposing it. So this is the moment for us to double down.
Can you chip in $3 to buy an opposing billboard in Times Square calling out Schumer—and pointing out that the war hawks who took us to Iraq now want war with Iran?
Yes, I'll chip in.
There's an amazing story about the group that bought the pro-Schumer billboard, a story that tells you everything you need to know about this fight.
The organization, United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI), used to be chaired by Gary Samore, a nuclear expert who runs a security program at Harvard. During negotiations with Iran, he was skeptical. But according to an article in today's New York Times, after the Iran deal was finalized, Samore took a hard look at the text—and wound up supporting it. 2 If you want to keep Iran nuclear-free, supporting the deal is the best path to do it.
But that put him on the wrong side of the group he chaired, which was funded in no small part by ultra-right-wing pro-war billionaire Sheldon Adelson. So Samore stepped down. And into his chair slid Joe Lieberman, the Iraq War's #1 Democratic cheerleader—and the target of a MoveOn-supported primary campaign in 2005 that cost him the Democratic nomination for his Senate seat.
Lieberman, predictably, opposes the Iran deal. And under Lieberman's leadership, UANI wasted no time in coming to the aid of Sen. Schumer, who was facing a wall of criticism from progressives, just as Lieberman had a decade ago.
The fallout from Schumer's decision will shape the future of the Democratic Party, the country, and the Middle East. Everyone's watching. That's why we have to lean in to this fight—and respond to the pro-war billboard in a way that can't be missed.
If we can raise the funds this week, we can buy an anti-war billboard in Times Square, and buy online ads to make sure that every swing voter in the House and Senate sees it. Can you chip in $3?
Yes, I'll chip in.
We didn't stop the last war. We'll all have to live with that—those of us who didn't lose our lives to it. But we can stop this one.
Thanks for all you do.
3rd Example: Okay, have you recovered. Well, it only gets worse. Only a few days later, and you will see them still bragging success, but kicking in the teleevanglist behavior APPEALING for a few more dollars:
Aug 15 at 4:02 PM
We can't let this go unanswered. Not with other Democrats across America watching what happens to Sen. Schumer, and trying to figure out whether there's more political risk in supporting the deal or opposing it.
Hi MoveOn member,
Democratic Leader-in-waiting Chuck Schumer has come out against the Iran nuclear deal. And a group headed by pro-war former senator Joe Lieberman launched a billboard thanking Sen. Schumer, right in Times Square.
We can't let this go unanswered. Not with other Democrats across America watching what happens to Sen. Schumer, and trying to figure out whether there's more political risk in supporting the deal or opposing it.
We've already raised over $120,000 this week. We're getting ready to kick off next week with a competing billboard, to ramp up our campaign to hold Sen. Schumer accountable—and to send a clear message to other Democrats: If you push us towards war, we'll hold you accountable too. Will you chip in $3 and help us get to $200,000 by Monday?
Click here to chip in and help hold Senator Schumer accountable.
For more details, see Jo's message from earlier this week:
Dear MoveOn member,
Our pressure is working. In a backlash that has sent shock waves through Washington, D.C., more than 20,000 of us have pledged to withhold more than $11 million from Democrats who would lead us towards war with Iran.
Senator Chuck Schumer—would-be Democratic Leader in the Senate, and the only Democratic senator to publicly oppose the Iran deal so far—is feeling the heat. Politico reports that "with liberal groups furious over his opposition to the Iran nuclear deal, Sen. Chuck Schumer has been quietly reaching out to dozens of his colleagues to explain his decision" and assure them he won't lobby them to join his side.1
And in recognition that Schumer is against the ropes politically, a group backed by hawkish billionaires—and headed by none other than the pro-war former senator Joe Lieberman—has bought a video billboard in Times Square to support him.
Every undecided Democrat, from Senator Cory Booker to Representative Jerry Nadler, is watching what happens to Schumer. They're trying to figure out whether there's more political risk in supporting the deal—or opposing it. So this is the moment for us to double down.
Can you chip in $3 to help buy an opposing billboard in Times Square calling out Schumer—and pointing out that the war hawks who took us to Iraq now want war with Iran?
Yes, I'll chip in to help hold Senator Schumer accountable.
There's an amazing story about the group that bought the pro-Schumer billboard, a story that tells you everything you need to know about this fight.
The organization, United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI), used to be chaired by Gary Samore, a nuclear expert who runs a security program at Harvard. During negotiations with Iran, he was skeptical. But according to an article in today's New York Times, after the Iran deal was finalized, Samore took a hard look at the text—and wound up supporting it.2 If you want to keep Iran nuclear-free, supporting the deal is the best path to do it.
But that put him on the wrong side of the group he chaired, which was funded in no small part by ultra-right-wing pro-war billionaire Sheldon Adelson. So Samore stepped down. And into his chair slid Joe Lieberman, the Iraq War's #1 Democratic cheerleader—and the target of a MoveOn-supported primary campaign in 2006 that cost him the Democratic nomination for his Senate seat.
Lieberman, predictably, opposes the Iran deal. And under Lieberman's leadership, UANI wasted no time in coming to the aid of Sen. Schumer, who was facing a wall of criticism from progressives, just as Lieberman had a decade ago.
The fallout from Schumer's decision will shape the future of the Democratic Party, the country, and the Middle East. Everyone's watching. That's why we have to lean in to this fight—and respond to the pro-war billboard in a way that can't be missed.
If we can raise the funds this week, we can buy an anti-war billboard in Times Square and buy online ads to make sure that swing voters across America see our message. Can you chip in $3?
Click here to chip in, and help us hold Senator Schumer accountable.
We didn't stop the last war. We'll all have to live with that—those of us who didn't lose our lives to it. But we can stop this one.
Thanks for all you do.
By now you are getting the idea, and there is no sense in us continueing to make our readers reach for the barf bag. These emails are not selected over any others, they just happen to be the last three of our hundreds that we have in our file on just this one SIG. Think of that, because there are thousands of these SIGs, and millions of dollars being shuffled around to get power...power to do what? Power to take care of each special interest out there.
So, if you wonder why the elected officials from your city and county government, all the way up to the White House are not keeping there promises, its because they have been wooed, shoved, bullyed, or bribed into submission to keep other interest, not you the American citizen. If you wonder how come Hillary is willing to fight for her election, even though her worst is now exposed, now you know...power and powerful money.
It also gives you an idea why Donald Trump stands the BEST chance of getting elected and doing some ACTUAL good. He can't be bought (yet), he certainly can't be bullied (yet), and I am certain he won't be bribed (yet), and in fact, I suspect he is going to turn these tables on all of those special interest, and I for one will smile when he does. And I think his growing group of followers will smile to. Oh, I almost forgot.
Thanks for all you do.