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Again, Trump Shows He Has Got It...!

Trump is not backing down, he is firing up. Did you see what he did to that phony reporter last week? He took him to the mat, and he did it with class. And he did it with conviction...


Last week, as Donald Trump was holding the line about the crisis of illegal aliens in the late stages of pregnancy slithering across our border to produce anchor babies, he was interrupted by a shill disguised as an ABC News reporter. While actual journalists attend press conferences to hear what candidates have to say and ask them questions about those statements, ABC’s Tom Llamas used his time, and wasted everyone else's, by trying out what he learned from the latest chapter of “Parsing Words for Dummies.”


After Trump referenced the well-known crisis of anchor babies, Llamas skipped the Q&A and jumped right into parsing words like a first-year law school student.


Mewled Llamas: “That’s an offensive term! People find that hurtful.” To his credit, Trump eschewed the proverbial ruler-across-the-knuckles, and dropped a house on the so-called “reporter’s” head: “You mean it’s not politically correct, and yet everybody uses it?”


A so-called “progressive” tried to bury the topic in semi-tangential minutiae, and Trump got out his steam shovel. Those that remain unsold on Trump’s viability as a candidate take notice...give the man credit where credit is due. There is not a candidate in the arean with Trump as the man continues to prove who is in charge, whether its in the no-class efforts by reporters, or just taking care of business. Trump has steadfastly refused to allow the left to derail his campaign with what he quite accurately termed “PC.” The entire conservative movement could, and should, take note as Trump delivers, and yet shows how to take out the trash.


Trump: I don’t recall the election in which we put illegal aliens and their accomplices in charge of what we call illegal aliens and their accomplices. They’re welcome to take offense to whatever phrase I might use, but I’m welcome to continue to not give a damn. They’re anchor babies born to illegal aliens, not to “undocumented immigrants.” It’s telling that the guys who deliberately opened the floodgates would rather we talk about what to call the flood than what we need to do about it. And to be completely honest, I don’t really care what people like Llamas or President Barack “Amnesty” Obama consider “offensive.”


Of course, illegal aliens and their anchor babies are merely the latest props that the left has turned into detours away from the main topic. So-called “gun violence,” a phrase designed to demonize the tool instead of the craftsman, has become more of a terror to liberals than even the most violent criminals. The left shrieks about it incessantly, ignoring the fact that while there’s no correlation between legal firearm ownership and violent crime, there is one between Democratic political control and the urban horrors that are some of America’s largest, and routinely “gun-free”, cities.


They’ve renamed the pseudoscience currently known as “climate change” as often as they needed to, all the while hoping no one would notice that they’ve had to do so because the theory’s predictions have an odd tendency of being really, really wrong. Of late, our port-side pals have even taken to accusing us of being “climate deniers.” I’ve never met anyone who denies the existence of climate. “Climate denier” is an epithet that makes as much sense as spending 50 years and billions of dollars coming up with a new name for “the weather.”


They call Planned Parenthood’s Baby Parts’r’Us industry “women’s healthcare.” They even insist that those of us who look at a baby and see life instead of dollar signs are somehow fighting a “war on women.” It’s worth noting that the same people who will undergo all sorts of verbal contortions to protect those butchers transform into Carmelite nuns when it comes to anchor babies. Maybe the American kids’ spleens can fetch more on the open market.


Violent, NFL-sized thugs are “unarmed black teens.” “White privilege” is real. And, of course, dissent is “racism.” Heck, why stop there? Let’s go the full Orwell, and throw in “War is peace” and one that’s sure to ring the liberal bells: “Freedom is slavery.”


Trump’s smack down of Llamas was more than just fun to watch. Whatever your opinion of The Donald, the GOP could take a lesson from him. The conservative movement as a whole has been playing defense since President Ronald Reagan left the White House. Conservatives consistently allow the left to set the terms of the debate, even when self-professed “progressives” alter their own narrative to fit the actual facts. That’s certainly not a courtesy the exceedingly vicious left would ever return and absolutely not one they’ve earned.


Politicians on both parties are going to lose, lose, lose because they don't get it, don't understand it, and never will. The do not have it them to do what Trump does. He doesn't just "say what he means, he means what he says", and THAT is something we have not had for a long my lifetime not since Reagan.


You Go Trump...




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